Uploads from crayonmuffin on Flickr

Tuesday, September 29, 2020



Get this dress by Beautiful Dirty Rich at the Sense event until October 8th!! Wear with or without ruffle and comes with a texture hud!!

*Dress: Solana by Beautiful Dirty Rich @ Sense event

More that I'm wearing

Maitreya Lara body, hands and feet Maitreya Store
Shape: Barb - by AFRO Creations
Head: Freya by Catwa
Skin: AKYLA by 7 Deadly s[K]ins
Hair: Penance by Stealthic 
Eyes: Basic Witch Eyes Set 1 by Demicorn
Lipstick: Rachel Lipstick by Blaxium
Eyeshadow: Eyeshadow Lewd by  StunnerOriginals 

Pic taken at Backdrop City



Saturday, September 5, 2020



This dress by After Midnight Fashion is at the Darkness event until September 28th Comes with hud!!

*Dress: Fleur Dress by After Midnight Fashion at The Darkness Event

More that I'm wearing

Maitreya Lara body, hands and feet Maitreya Store
Shape: Barb - by AFRO Creations
Head: Freya by Catwa
Skin: AKYLA by 7 Deadly s[K]ins
Hair: Melon by Wasabi
