Uploads from crayonmuffin on Flickr

Thursday, June 14, 2018


Get this outfit at Garden of Shadows event until June 30th!  Outfit comes with corset w/skirt, boots, necklace, hat, stockings, panties, gloves, and eye patch. Panties w/stockings and gloves are applied with an omega hud. Remove/hide feet for boots.

*Outfit: Sinistra by Moonstar @ Garden of Shadows    *

Everything else

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Fiji by Truth Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo


Pic taken at Backdrop Village

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