Uploads from crayonmuffin on Flickr

Monday, April 30, 2018

A colorful walk

Dress is by Facepalm and comes with a color hud.

*Dress: Tamitha by Facepalm Facepalm *

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: AveryElena by Truth Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo
Unicorn Cameo ring
Cabochon Hertz collar

Pic taken at Backdrop Village

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Honey everywhere!

Color hudded top is at the Dark Side event and so is the hair, get the fatpack for all color options!! Dark Side event is open until May 5th.
Get the skirt at Facepalm, it's color hudded as well!!

*Top: Racine by Facepalm @ Dark Side event*
*Skirt: Jude by Facepalm Facepalm  *
*Hair: Penny (spektral hud) by .EscalateD. @ Dark Side event *

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo
Unicorn Cameo ring
Cabochon Hertz collar

Pic taken at Southern Roots 


Get this glittery dress at Absolute Rebel! Comes with a color hud with 8 different color options!

*Dress: All That Glitters by Absolute Rebel Absolute Rebel *

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Lilo by Truth Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Cabochon Hertz collar
Unicorn Cameo ring

Pic taken at Backdrop Cove

Absolute Rebel

What is this place?

This dress by Sophisticate is at the Hashtag event until April 30th!

*Dress: Caged Purple by Sophisticate @ Hashtag Event *

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Kare by Truth  Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo
Unicorn Cameo ring
Cabochon Hertz collar

Pic taken at Backdrop Village

Hashtag Event

Friday, April 27, 2018

Jumping on the furniture

Jumping on the furniture because it was always a fun thing to do!

 TOXICDOLLS bra and panty set in mono colors.

*Outfit: Born Original Set [MONO] by TOXICDOLLS TOXICDOLLS *

Everything else

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic Hearts by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Kare by Truth Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo
Unicorn Cameo ring
Cabochon Hertz collar


Everyone has their own fairy tale

Real Fairy Tale top is at the Twe12ve Event until April 30th! Comes with a hud for different sayings.

*Top: Real Fairy Tale  by Facepalm @ Twe12ve event*

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: TRUTHxL&B Parker by Truth Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo
Unicorn Cameo ring
Cabochon Hertz collar


Pic taken at Backdrop Village

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Waiting for kisses in bed

Waiting on my sweetie to come give me my kisses ^.^

Hair at the Spring Flair event until April 28th! Choose from different color huds!
Bra and panty set at TOXICDOLLS, comes with other neon colors!

*Hair: Berry (spektral hud) by .EscalateD.  @ Spring Flair event *   
*Outfit: Born Original Set [NEON] by TOXICDOLLS TOXICDOLLS *

Everything else

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic Hearts by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo

EscalateD. Store

Pic taken at Comhar Photo Studio



Spotlight moment

This dress by Absolute Rebel is at the Hashtag event until April 30th! Get the fat pack for all the color options!

*Outfit: Wrapped in lace by Absolute Rebel @ Hashtag Event *

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: NO_TOY by no.match no.match
Shoes: Arianna Sneakers (glitter pack) by Reign Reign

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Cabochon Hertz collar
Unicorn Cameo ring
Absolute Rebel

Pic taken at Backdrop City
Lighting effect LUMIPro  

Absolute Rebel

At the pool

You can get this cute bikini at the Hashtag event until April 30th! Comes in 3 different colors, includes glasses and towel!

*Outfit: Backwoods Princess Bikini Combo set by Hardcore Clothing @ Hashtag Event *

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.5) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Rory by Truth  Truth Store

 Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Cabochon Hertz collar
Unicorn Cameo ring

Hardcore Clothing 

Hardcore Clothing 

A look outside the window

This romper comes with a color hud and is at the Twe12ve Event until April 30th!

*Outfit: Loretta Romper  by Anny's Fashion @ Twe12ve event*

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Ambriel by Truth  Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo
Unicorn Cameo ring

Anny’s Fashion 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Here I am

This funky dress comes with a color hud and is at the Twe12ve Event until April 30th!

*Outfit: Diva Funky Sexy Dress by Anny's Fashion @ Twe12ve event*

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Montana by Truth  Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo

Anny’s Fashion 

Anny’s Fashion 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I look even better naked

This top is at the Hashtag event until April 30th! Comes with a color hud.

*Outfit: Naked Tank by TrAsHeD @ Hashtag Event *

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.5) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Montana by Truth  Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo


Monday, April 23, 2018

Her Darkness

Get this outfit at Garden of Shadows event until April 28th! Outfit comes with shoes, arm bands and dress.

*Outfit: Her Darkness 4 by Hardcore Clothing @ Garden of Shadows    *

Everything else

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: NO_TOY by no.match no.match

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Cabochon Hertz collar
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo

Hardcore Clothing

Hardcore Clothing 

Garden of Shadows

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Enjoying the park

Hair at the Spring Flair event until April 28th

*Hair: Eni (sepia hud) by .EscalateD.  @ Spring Flair event *   

Everything else

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.5) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic Hearts by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo

EscalateD. Store


Friday, April 20, 2018

A beary special smile

Get the mask and headset at the BodyFy event until April 24th!
Mask comes with a texture hud, there are 12 different options to choose from!
Headset comes with a color hud, choose from 8 different colors!

*Mask:  KaWaii Mask [02] by TOXICDOLLS @ BodyFy event  *
*Headset: T.K Gamer HeadSet [UNISEX] by TOXICDOLLS @ BodyFy event  *

Everything else

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Ophelia by Truth Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Cabochon Hertz collar
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo
Pic taken at Backdrop Village



Thursday, April 19, 2018

Darker side

Get this outfit at Garden of Shadows event until April 28th!

Outfit: Queen of the Underworld by Morgana Gloom @ Garden of Shadows    *
Includes: Texture hudded dress, heels, hair and roses tattoo

Everything else

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LLAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Cabochon Hertz collar

Morgana Gloom Store

Garden of Shadows

Reading in the park

Reading books will always be one of my favorite hobbies

Top is color hudded and available at the Hashtag event until April 30th.

* Top: Kenzie by WinTeRwooD Designs  @ Hashtag Event *

 Everything else

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.5) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic  by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Ophelia by Truth  Truth Store

Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
custom necklace by BFCD
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo

WinTeRwooD Designs Store

Pic taken at Backdrop Cove 


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Cosmos Eyeshadow

Eyeshadow is at the Darkness Monthly event until April 30th!! Omega applier, 4 colors to choose from ^.^

*Eyeshadow:  Cosmos Eyeshadow by Inevitable Madness  @ The Darkness Monthly event *

Everything else

Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ  LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Cosmic by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness 
Hair: Deja by Truth Truth Store

Cabochon Hertz collar

Inevitable Madness