Some days you wake up and must forget everything from the previous day and start anew. We must not let the actions of others get us down or let their lack of knowledge of situations and ourselves get the better of us. Just be you and start your day fresh, better days lie ahead!!
Cute patterned dress and wedge heels at the Sunset Mist event until April 30th!
* Outfit: Purple Spring by Hardcore Clothing @ Sunset Mist event *
Everything else
Maitreya Lara body Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento - Motion Capture - Scarlet LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Vista prohands Vista Store
Nails: Pastel Hearts by alaskametro<3 alaskametro<3
Eyes: Love Eyes by Inevitable Madness Inevitable Madness
Hair: Polly by Truth Truth Store
Jewelry: Best daughter friendship ring
JCNY love of my life engagement ring
JCNY love of my life wedding ring
Cabochon Hertz collar
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo
Hardcore Clothing
Hardcore Clothing |
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