Get this outfit at the UP Event from June 1st - June 15th! Comes with top and skirt.
*Outfit: SkullCane Outfit by Rainblow @ Up Event *
Everything else
Maitreya Lara body, hands and feet Maitreya Store
Shape: Scarlet by LAQ LAQ Store
Head: LAQ Bento Ivy LAQ Store
Skin: LAQ ~Omega Body + Linnea Essential Applier (2.0) LAQ Store
Nails: Pride nails by Alaskametro Alaskametro
Ears: Kawaii Ears by Swallow
Eyes: Cat Kiss Mesh Eyes by .:I ProFect I: .:I ProFect I:. MP Store
Hair: Kare by Truth Truth Store
Face tattoo by Letis Tattoo
Princess Ring
Rainblow MP Store
Pic taken at Backdrop City
thank you so much